Our Portfolio

We utilize the flywheel effect to grow our companies to produce sustainable cashflow. Grow your portfolio and get insights.
The Flywheel Effect
Our approach is based on the observation that investing in companies generating sustainable income creates a flywheel effect that has a compounding return on investment.
We engineer success from the start
We work with and invest in the best people
We are active investors
We connect with

Founders, Real Estate Operators & Investors

For Founders

We invest in companies that have the potential for growth and high cashflow margins that are here to outlast us. We are active investors and work side by side to unlock the company's full potential.  

We love to partner with minority owned companies and female founders!
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For Operators

Be the best in your craft, show us why you have an unfair advantage and we will invest.

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For Investors

We are activist investors, we engineer success to create an unfair advantage with our investments.
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